Beaded Gold Bangles-The Survivor Bangle Bracelet

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Kimberly S. Corban is a Colorado crime advocate and sexual assault survivor. As a 20-year-old college student, Kimberly was heinously victimized by a stranger who broke in to her college apartment, held her for two hours, and raped her. She immediately reported the crime and upon her attacker’s capture, jury trial, and conviction, Kimberly chose to release her name to the media. Over the years, her mission has remained the same--to help just one person not have to experience what she went through. That dedication has fueled her passion for advocacy and her relentless pursuit of justice for all survivors. 


Today, she shares the harrowing details of her survival as a professional speaker in an effort to educate audiences worldwide on the realities crime victims face. Her recent TED Talk received high praise, sparking both timely and timeless conversations about survivors of abuse. 

Kimberly’s advocacy for crime victims has continued to change and save countless lives. This 'Survivor' bangle was designed by Kimberly’s parents in partnership with Bourbon & Boweties to honor Kimberly’s unwavering voice in the face of adversity.

Proceeds benefit Kimberly’s work to raise sexual assault awareness through education and positive change. If you would like more information about Kimberly’s story or to request her to speak at your campus or event, please visit